【摘要】Low-velocity impact and in-plane axial compression after impact(CAI) behaviors of carbon-aramid/epoxy hybrid braided composite laminates were investigated experimentally. The following three different types of carbon-aramid/epoxy hybrid braided composite laminates were produced and tested:(a) inter-hybrid laminates,(b) sandwich-like inter-hybrid laminates, and(c) unsymmetric-hybrid laminates. At the same time, carbon/epoxy braided composite laminates were used for comparisons. Impact properties and impact resistance were studied. Internal damages and damage mechanisms of laminates were detected by ultrasonic C-scan and B-scan methods. The results show that the ductility index(DI) values of three kinds of hybrid laminates aforementioned are 37%, 4% and 120% higher than those of carbon/epoxy laminates, respectively. The peak load of inter-hybrid laminates is higher than that of sandwich-like inter-hybrid laminates and unsymmetric-hybrid laminates. The average damage area and dent depths of inter-hybrid laminates are 64% and 69% smaller than those of carbon/epoxy laminates. Those results show that carbon-aramid/epoxy hybrid braided composite laminates could significantly improve the impact properties and toughness of non-hybrid braided composite laminates.
《建筑知识》 2015-05-12
《中国医疗管理科学》 2015-05-12
《中国医疗管理科学》 2015-05-12
《中国医疗管理科学》 2015-05-12
《重庆高教研究》 2015-06-26
《现代制造技术与装备》 2015-07-02
《铁道运营技术》 2015-06-25
《数字家庭》 2015-07-03
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